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The World's PrivacyNews. Centralised
PrivacyPulse is a world first, processing hundreds of thousands of articles and documents using cutting edge AI and Natural Language Processing techniques to make the DPOs life easier and more manageable


The latest Data Privacy & Cybersecurity news

Privacy News Made Simple

The entire world of privacy, streamlined into one central location. Easily track general, regulator and fines news to ensure that you are on the cutting edge of whats happening in data privacy.

Cut to the chase

You do not have time to trawl through the entire world of data privacy news each morning. Set self tailored channels within PrivacyPulse to match your interests. Get rid of the noise, get straight to the point of what’s important to you and your organisation. You can also enable email alerts & notifications for new stories that matter most to you.

Cut to the chase

You do not have time to trawl through the entire world of data privacy news each morning. Set self tailored channels within PrivacyPulse to match your interests. Get rid of the noise, get straight to the point of what’s important to you and your organisation. You can also enable email alerts & notifications for new stories that matter most to you.

AI Powered Assistant

Instantly summarise and share. We’ve integrated AI & PrivacyPulse. Found something important for you and your team? Have articles summarised for sharing. PrivacyPulse will even write the email draft or social media post for you to easily share internally or with your network and emails drafted to share valuable information internally or share with your network.

Don’t get left behind

Missing out on PrivacyPulse means missing out on the most topical and relevant information that drives your industry on a daily basis. Sign up for PrivacyPulse today.

Don’t get left behind

Missing out on PrivacyPulse means missing out on the most topical and relevant information that drives your industry on a daily basis. Sign up for PrivacyPulse today.
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